250mg Mozilla Gorilla Psilocybe Gummies


SKU: MSH-GUM-8 Categories: ,


250mg Mozilla Gorilla Psilocybe mushroom gummies.

Mid range doses :  Social, relaxing, concerts, gaming, sensuality, dancing, creativity and good ol times 😉

Available to purchase as singles or 8x gummies packs. Fruit-flavored.

 You may feel exceedingly cheerful, impressed by the people and things around you, rejuvenated, and thrilled after consuming this mushroom gummy.


  • Keep in an airtight container.
  • Best stored in a cool, dry place like a cupboard. Best within six months of purchase.


  • Please use responsibly.
  • Do not drive, swim or climb after taking a psychedelic dose.
  • Keep out of the reach of children and pets!
  • Do not combine with alcohol, SSRIs or SNRIs.